Opposites Attract

This heat wave that’s on the horizon has me thinking…it’s going to be H.O.T. Naturally, I’m wishing for cool breezes, ice cold drinks, and refreshing air conditioning!

What does that have to do with interior design, you ask? Well, it’s about opposites! Hot & cold…black & white…big & small. When it comes to balanced design, it’s really important to remember that we need some of both for it to be interesting.

Good design is the discipline of balance. Mixing patterns work if there’s a variety of scale. Large, medium and small patterns mixed together with a solid will work well but 3 of the same scale pattern will look off.

With color, a sophisticated monochromatic color scheme is successful when there are a variety of shades – not just one tone repeated. It will be flat and frankly boring with the same shade in a room.

The same goes for furniture. If you pile a room full of small pieces of furniture, it will actually feel small and cramped.

As a designer, I’m constantly looking for balance and harmony to convey the ultimate goal of a room. It’s a moving target at times but the effort is worth it!

All one note can be an easy fault to fall into when you are naturally drawn to a favorite color/pattern/furniture piece. But going outside your comfort zone will allow for some exciting results!

Here are some examples of success:





(Source unknown- please message me if you know who to credit for this beauty!)

Check out my Instagram feed @hue_designs for more tips, inspiration pictures and design musings.